Turning the CISA Guidance Into an Opportunity

Instead of dreading the prospect of increased regulations, organizations should seize the opportunity presented by CISA's new plan to achieve better, higher-quality software. Embracing secure software development is not just a regulatory requirement; it's a strategic move that benefits everyone involved—from the companies creating the software to the users depending on it and the individuals whose data is stored by these applications. The only ones left empty-handed are the attackers who find it increasingly difficult to exploit secure code.

Developers: The First Line of Defense

In this new regulatory landscape, developers—those who write or source all the code—are the perfect place to start implementing secure coding practices. However, they can't do it alone. Support from the entire organization, especially upper management, is crucial. Developers who understand vulnerabilities, can write secure code, and can identify potential issues long before they reach the production environment are key to an organization's ability to produce secure software. As CISA aptly puts it, "vulnerabilities must be discovered and fixed before adversaries can use them to cause harm."

Advanced Training: A Critical Component

It's important to note that the training developers need is fairly advanced. Becoming proficient in writing secure code is a challenging task, and mere check-the-box compliance measures are not enough. Developers require high-level, agile learning methods that provide hands-on, digestible, and continuous learning outcomes. These methods should be part of a comprehensive security awareness program designed to equip developers with the skills necessary to meet the stringent security standards set by the CISA plan.

Developer Support: A Positive Outlook

The good news is that most developers are already on board with secure coding practices. In a survey of over 1,200 professional developers worldwide, the overwhelming majority expressed support for creating secure code and fostering a better security culture within their organizations. This positive attitude is a strong foundation upon which organizations can build a robust security program.
Shifting the Security Culture
This proposed shift in security culture will be challenging, but it's also an incredible opportunity to fundamentally change the nature of cybersecurity. By prioritizing secure software development, we can create a world where technology, which improves our lives, is not constantly under threat from attackers seeking to exploit it for nefarious purposes. The CISA plan outlines a promising path toward this goal, and it's up to us to follow it.

Embracing the CISA guidance is more than just a compliance exercise; it's a chance to enhance the security and quality of the software we create. By supporting our developers and fostering a culture of security, we can protect our organizations, our users, and the data we handle. This is our opportunity to turn potential regulatory challenges into a catalyst for positive change, creating a safer digital landscape for everyone.

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