Are you tired of scrambling to patch security vulnerabilities in your software just before deployment?




Empower your development team with Cyber Chief, the ultimate solution for seamless integration of security practices into your software development lifecycle (SDLC).


Whether you're a dedicated coder striving to fortify your creations or a visionary leader aiming to streamline security measures across your organization, Cyber Chief offers the tools and insights you need to safeguard your applications effectively.



Uncover the Hidden Risks of Development without Our Cutting-Edge Tool!




Cost-Effective Security
Runtime Application Self-Protection
Compliance Support




Features for Developers


On-Demand Web Application Vulnerability Testing: Dive deep into your application's security posture with on-demand vulnerability testing. Understand vulnerabilities as hackers perceive them and equip your development team with actionable insights to implement robust fixes swiftly.

Continuous API, Web App, and Cloud Platform Security Testing: Seamlessly integrate security testing into your CI/CD pipelines to catch vulnerabilities before they reach production. Cyber Chief ensures that your software remains resilient against emerging threats throughout its lifecycle.

Shift-Left Approach to Application Security: By prioritizing security early in the development process, Cyber Chief helps your team adopt a "shift-left" mindset, enabling faster feature releases without compromising security. Turn security tasks into manageable chunks of work, ensuring that your SaaS products are fortified from inception.

 Mobile app

Elevate, Optimize, and Secure with Meteonic Innovation

Whether you're a seasoned developer seeking to eliminate vulnerabilities or a manager aiming to instill a culture of security within your organization, Cyber Chief equips you with the tools and insights needed to fortify your applications and protect against evolving threats.



Features for Managers
  • Real-Time Security Metrics: Track the speed and effectiveness of vulnerability identification and remediation within your organization. Gain valuable insights into your team's security performance and make informed decisions to enhance your software's resilience.
  • Enterprise-Grade Vulnerability Testing Results: Build trust with enterprise customers by showcasing your commitment to application security. Cyber Chief provides comprehensive vulnerability testing results, empowering you to sign bigger deals and shorten sales cycles.
  • Security Self-Sufficiency: Empower your development team to take ownership of application security with Cyber Chief. By fostering a culture of security awareness and providing the necessary tools and resources, you can elevate your organization's security posture without the need for additional hires.

Cyber Chief offers flexible pricing options tailored to meet the needs of both individual developers and enterprise-level organizations.



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Elevate your clients' application security and position yourself as a trusted partner in their journey towards building robust, secure software solutions.
Reach out now!
